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2013 Solo bragging rights

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:19 am
by JimR
Some winter bench racing for the autocrossers: bragging rights from 2013, crunched in Excel from the regional event results. It's all pretty self-explanatory.

The "from first" is a simple average of the "from first" column on the results. In other words, how far off were you typically from the person who was fastest in PAX or raw times. If you actually got first, you obviously netted a zero, which helps your average nicely. Martin didn't show up at many events, but when he did, he did well - thus he topped the raw charts. The ESP guys were consistently close and fast all year long in PAX.


Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:25 am
by budweeks
Really neat number-crunching Jim.
