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Post by Crazy_Dog » Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:06 pm

and the elections are not secret :)

who is going to run again I cant say because I don't know. Jeff is super busy with his shop. Sam has a new kid, Rick has a overseas manufacturing business so I don't know how he has time to do anything or ever had time to begin with.
nominations need to be posted or hands raised to nominate yourself ;)

then the next board meeting6th of November. ballets will be mailed out then counted at the board meeting in December.

this is a little rushed because November caught up to all of us.
I got in trouble last month for dating all my paperwork as july. so october was a surprise to me :)
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weekend memberships

Post by budweeks » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:30 am

Hey Jonathan,

I'm like Will Rogers, I only know what I read in the papers, in this case SportsCar. It sounds as if the weekend membership will be mandatory beginning in Jan. '08. Hopefully the paperwork will be kept simple.

As soon as I have more info on any Solo Safety Steward training I will post it.


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Where and When is the November Meeting??

Post by zoomzoom » Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:41 pm

I'll throw my name in the hat for a board position if necessary. Although this is the first year I have participated in the autocross events, I'm willing and able to devote some time and effort. Plus, I live right here in Springfield.

I just paid my $75 annual membership fee.

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Post by avdoc » Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:40 pm

I have wanted to run in this for over 20 years. I watched an event a couple of months ago, and purchased a car to compete. I live in Ozark and would like to help out if that means keeping this thing going. The posts are somewhat hard too follow for an outsider, so you have my log in name, you can pm me if there is anything I can do to help. I made a trip a month early to Dallas to pick up my car, so it would be here for the last event. I think there needs to be another one this year.

Ted Wells
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Post by Ted Wells » Sun Oct 28, 2007 6:15 pm

Two entries above this post is a post from Chuck Bailey.

A "mini" BLAT will be mailed in the next couple of days, and I do not have an address for Mr. Bailey.

Chuck, PM me with your postal address if you read this......

Ted Wells

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don't disagree

Post by red dawg ridley » Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:21 pm


I'm deleting any and ALL posts that are made for the soul purpose of stirring up trouble or to slam, disfigure or in a vicious manner the board or the region..

if its simply meant to smash the region just keep your peace....


crazy eddie

Post by crazy eddie » Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:53 am

Hey Oren,

Everyone should be heard if they are an OMR SCCA member. I know of which post you are referring to and believe me if I had a way to restore it I would. I had a thought that it might get removed but I had faith that freedom of speech was still alive here. :(

I am a firm believer in "The Truth only offends the Guilty."
If a person or persons are not doing anything wrong then someone's comments are just that, but if they are true (even a little bit) then they become blasphamy. :lol:

PS: I do ask one thing though Oren. I am an admin on this board so techinically I am one of -
They can hide behind their little screen and not expose their little feifdom, they suck, they don't have the intestinol fortitude to stand up and be counted.

BUT you have not seen nor will you see me remove posts unless they are threatening or blantantly liable or if they are racial motivated. IF I do remove such posts I will give an explanation. That being said I am not the only one on the forum that can remove/edit posts.

crazy eddie

Post by crazy eddie » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:22 am

OK, I was pretty much done speaking my piece however reading some of the comments I feel myself stepping up on my soap box once more.

I had hoped for the 2 previous years to obtain a seat on the Board and try to aid the Solo Program with what I see as an unbalanced Board concerning the interests of some of its members. (I was attending the Board meetings when Oren Goble was on his way out. I understood and even agreed with some of his issues about the Board.) Unfortunately I am not female or an elite or able to keep my opinions to myself, so I decided to help Jonathan as much as I could without being someone. Because I have tried to stay in touch with what was happening with OMR, I have heard & seen several things that make me concerned.

First off is the talk about lowering the number of events to try to raise the attendance numbers. This is an error on the part of the Board because this year was plagued with several issues namely the Saturday schedule. Jonathan lowered the number of events this year from 11 or 12 last year to what was supposed to be 8 or 9 this year. If we have to wait a month & half to two months for an event it will kill any interest in the sport and others will just find something else to do. IMHO - minimum 10 Sunday events for 2008. And there needs to be a contract of the dates with the lot owner to assure full usage. I would even suggest finding an alternate site because the lot will not survive a hard winter with the trucking school shredding the surface.

Secondly, the Board needs to keep their noses out of the operation of the programs with Board elected managers. If the Board does not trust a person they elect to do a particular job for the Region then the Board needs to rethink why they elected them in the first place. It should not be the concern of the Board if the Solo Manager wants to test a format for an event or if he/she needs money to replace broken equipment or simply to update the operational equipment to improve the experience. Dispatching funds earned by a program like Solo II should not be an issue for the Board to discuss unless funds match or exceed the money taken in by the program. For 2 years that I know of, Jonathan has asked for a scanner system to help eliminate timing errors and speed up the paperwork process yet his requests have fell off the radar where as the elected Solo Manager he should have just been able to procure the equipment without Board deliberation. Basically what I am saying is that everyone on the Board has a job and they should stick to that job instead of concerning themselves with everyone else's.

Thirdly, The Board needs to rid themselves of 2 nasty characteristics - hypocrisy & segregation.

Hypocrisy: The Board denied (two weeks before the event) a charity event from becoming a bonus points event earlier this year because they (the Board) felt the forums (i.e. the Internet) is not an adequate form of communication with the OMR members, however the Board never came up with an adequate alternative. To that I say, the forums are frequented by the ACTIVE OMR members who work constantly to help the Region grow. Even non-SCCA members that are regulars to OMR autocrosses know of and use the forums regularly to keep as up-to-date as possible. I also know that the BoD use emails frequently to discuss and vote on issues away from the monthly OMR meetings. (ps: Thanks again for changing the meeting date without notification.) The Board's argument may be that they are elected to run things and should be left to do so - look at my 2nd concern and ponder what I wrote. Then last week, the Board decides to postpone the Road Rally 3 days before it is scheduled to happen and then they decide to post the postponement information on the Forums. :? :x :evil: While the change may have be convenient for the Board members, I guess they feel they don't worry about the fact that most of the ACTIVE members are in the 21st century and some have used the WWW to advertise the event weekend on 6 area forums in 3 states but with such short notice have probably been made to look like an ass when people traveled to an event weekend that didn't happen.

Segregation: Here is probably the biggest problem. On one side you have the Road Racers (SCCA's elite) and Autocrossers (SCCA's weekend warriors). While a few members have traversed the bridge between both worlds, most still choose the elite status. From what I have seen, most autocrossers aspire to road race but financial limitations prevent them from obtaining this goal. Knowing this, there have been topics brought up to have a PDX day for the OMR autocrossers with the funds they have raised during the year. Unfortunately this has not happened nor do I ever see it happening. It has also been mentioned at the Board meetings how there are times the Road Racers could use help on race dates. Problem is that I never hear any mentions of that where the autocrossers can hear/read about it like on the OMR Forums. It almost leads one to think that the Road Racers like the separation and work to retain it. While I guess this might work for them I see it as a serious problem when concerning the Board. Noting that the majority of the Board members are Road Racers, I feel that the Autocrossers are not getting the proper representation on the OMR Board especially concerning Solo II issues. There will never be a "Club" until all its members recognize the walls and tear them down so the group can work together to better the Region and set an example that could lead all the way to Topeka where the segregation problem congregates.

NOTE: These are comments and thoughts of ONE member.

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Post by red dawg ridley » Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:38 pm


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Post by avdoc » Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:45 pm


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Post by Crazy_Dog » Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:48 pm

crazy eddie wrote:I had hoped for the 2 previous years to obtain a seat on the Board and try to aid the Solo Program with what I see as an unbalanced Board concerning ....
I'm still disappointed that you never got elected to! and I do agree that there may need to be a better representation of the solo program by the board. however.

For 2 years that I know of, Jonathan has asked for a scanner system to help eliminate timing errors and ....

this would happen to be a miscommunication in that I decided the last 2 years that the word on the wire is wait, I've heard rumblings with errors in the software concerning the scanner system. so I decided to wait on the purchase to wait for bleeding edge to go away and leave us with proven technology.

Hypocrisy: The Board denied (two weeks before the event) a charity event from becoming a bonus points event earlier this year because they (the Board) felt the forums (i.e. the Internet) is not an adequate form of communication with the OMR members
I agree that there needs to be a revamping and modernizing of the systems that connect with the members, although in this case its another situation of the left hand not knowing what the right had is doing. I don't know that any of the other board members had any clue the extent of advertisement done by ed and others to promote the rally and autocross.

this would all have not been a issue had the rally been taken care of 2 months ago.
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- Jonathan Fessenden, - OMR Board Member

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Eddie, Eddie, Eddie......

Post by Ted Wells » Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:48 pm

You suggest that a majority of the OMR Board of Directors are road racers..........

The 2007 Board:

Rick Carr - former race driver
Jeff Moore - race shop owner
Derek Gresham - race mechanic and sometimes autocrosser
Sam Henry - race driver, Solo Safety Steward, many times OMR Autocrosser of the Year
Forrest Tindall - race driver, Solo Safety Steward, several times H-Stock Regional Champion
Jonathan Fessenden - Regional Solo Manager
Sarah Latham - autocrosser

Guess you're right....but another person might say the majority of the Board are autocrossers. Looking at the list from the top down, you are correct....looking at the list from the bottom up, the reverse is true. Actually, I think OMR's Board this year should be the template for all Regional Boards....representing, as it does, both of the Club's primary competition programs.

At any rate, I don't know why the Board would not accommodate your plans for a "double points charity autocross," but I seriously doubt it was because the Board was unfamiliar with the autocross program or was "anti-autocross."


This thread is supposed to be about OMR's annual election......I say to all OMR members...a "mini" BLAT is in the mail. Please read the section about OMR's Board of Directors election. If you are willing to serve on the Board (and you have been an SCCA member at least one year,) by all means put your name on the Ballot.

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Post by Crazy_Dog » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:18 am

Crazy_Dog wrote:and I do agree that there may need to be a better representation of the solo program by the board. however.
IE not me

I personally don't think that there is bias or any hidden agenda with the board. I just think that I have been far to disorganized. someone who can keep up with things and not have everything done at the last min will do a much better job.
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- Jonathan Fessenden, - OMR Board Member

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Post by springfielddyno » Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:08 pm

You guys are scaring me ;)

As an autocrosser, road racer, and BOD member... There is no anti-autocross agenda... Our autocross program normally gets anything they ask for. You guys are going to scare off the new guys.

There are also no black helicopters flying around. Please attend the BOD meetings if you think there are black helicopters flying around OMR... I was going to make a joke that Topeka had all the black helicopters ;)

There are no bags of money being given to the road racers or road racer specific programs, or at least they skipped me :D

Autocrosses are generally the fund raisers for almost all regions, not just ours. The funds typically support the autocross program, picnics, rallies, the banquets. The autocross program is by far (and rightfully so) the most expensive program.

Road racers don't dislike autocrossers. Although I'm not thrilled about being accused of it or being called an elitist? I attended 2 autocross weekends this year I didn't plan on attending because there was no (or a shortage) of SSS... and I was happy to do it, even though I needed to work on other projects. I always try to help new autocross people, especially those who use 15" tires ;)

The BOD is always excited to have guests at the meetings. We are eager to hear your comments and recommendations. First Tuesday every month at S&D II on south national... small room in back. Don't be disappoint if you enjoy it ;)


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Post by red dawg ridley » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:14 pm


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