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OMR Divisional Worker Chiefs - Volunteers Needed!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:43 pm
by JimR
Ozark Mountain Region is two months away from hosting one of the biggest events in the Midwest, and likely the biggest ever held by the region. Right now we're looking for volunteers, people who will take on a special work assignment to really make this happen. Drivers will be coming a long way on a hot Summer weekend, and we want all the help we can get to make sure they have a good time.

Event Chiefs and Workers
Midwest Divisional Event #3
July 11-12, 2009
Crowder College, Neosho, Missouri

If you'd like to read it, the MiDiv has an operations manual that is the basis for what I've outlined below. ... MANUAL.pdf
(Link is fixed!)

Event Chairman - Jim Rowland

Course Designer - Jim Rowland

Safety Chief - Bobby J.
If you are SSS certified, you probably have a notion of what this will require. We will definitely have junior karts running and youth stewards on hand. It's also a big site bordered by an access road along one length, and word of mouth may bring us some additional foot traffic over a regional. You will work with the other safety stewards each heat, as well as grid and the course designer and course chief.

Registration Chief - Matt L.
This role will start as soon as we open up registration online. You'll work with MyAutoEvents, and organize any snail mail entries that may come in. People will start filtering in Friday afternoon, and you and your help will check them in, and give them the information they need to know. You'll also coordinate with the Chief of Workers on no-shows so that worker roles are covered.

Worker Chief - Scott C.
Signs in workers every heat, and guides and points them in the right direction. You'll also be working with the registration chief and Donna on managing no-shows. Everyone needs to stay hydrated, alert, spread out, and safe, and you'll be helping make sure that happens.

Chief of Course - Korry B.
Needs to be available Friday afternoon, July 10, for initial setup, then Saturday afternoon for revisions on setting up Sunday's course. Will be working with me on corner station setup, course marking, and crowd/traffic control tape, barriers, etc. This is an important job due to the nature of the site. Safe, efficient traffic control will be the #1 operating concern for this event.

Chief of Equipment - _________
This is the single point of contact for timing, speakers, radios, and any other gear that needs to be set up and kept running. There's going to be overlap here with various people, but we'll be busy and need someone to be in charge and own it. Being available to make Wal*Mart runs if necessary also a plus.

Chief of Grid - Justin H.
Grid and access lanes will be part of my course design, but ultimate operation is up to you - you'll own it. We'll have multi-driver cars, karts, and lots of entrants, but lots of grid help each heat. The divisional will also feature impound, and the grid chief will provide results to the classes at the end of the day's runs.

Chief of Tech - Sam H., Bob H.
Sam has put his name in the ring for this, and we will be looking for a couple more people to help. We'll need people from mid/late afternoon through evening to tech cars at the site as entrants arrive. We also may have some Saturday stragglers who will need to be tech inspected first thing Saturday morning. You'll not only make sure the cars are fit to run, but that everyone is running the appropriate divisionals decals.

Novice Mentor
Most everyone at the event will have autocross experience, but a few may not. A fair number of entrants will have never competed beyond a regional event, either. We are encouraging anyone who is a SCCA member to enter and have fun, and you will help coach in whatever capacity someone may need help on. No one has a bad time for not knowing what to do.

Additional volunteers
Here we're reaching out to everyone, including regulars, non-autocrossing membership within OMR, and spouses, friends, kids, and anyone willing to help. For example, registration, hospitality, and Saturday evening's banquet setup. A lot of people from many different places will be seeing this site and our region for the first time, and they need to be a shown a high degree of organization.

If you can help, please let me know!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 10:21 pm
by RacinAlt
Jim, I can help where needed. You know me well enough to know what I can do where needed.

Not sure 100% about Fri avability before about 5, but will find out more later.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:13 pm
by SilverYota
Jim I would like to volunteer as the Registration Chief, I already have vacation scheduled for Friday and will be there early to help with setup.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 5:45 am
by The Huff
I can handle chief of grid. Preferably, during the morning heats.
Justin Huffman

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 9:41 am
by JimR
Justin, you can be a heat grid worker, or if you'd like, Chief of Grid for the entire event.

All cars will be assigned a numbered grid spot by class, and the event Grid Chief will own the way everything flows. You would make sure the grid workers know what to do.

One little extra bit for a divisional is that the grid chief shuttles or posts results printoffs for competors to view at the end of each heat. After their runs that heat, cars will sit in their grid spots for a brief period called "Impound" with their hoods and trunks open while the trailer prints the results. You ask each class if they're satisfied with the results, and release them from grid.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:56 am
by Ironhead
Jim, you have a PM.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:00 am
by The Huff
If someone with divisional experience wants to be chief of grid, I will be happy to be a grid worker. I'll do either, just let me know.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:59 pm
by Rogue_Wulff
Jim, I plan to attend, as such I am willing to help in any way I can.
I haven't got my full SSS credentials yet, but hope to have it fully in place before the event. As such, I would be willing to serve in a safety capacity, assuming nothing goes afoul in the meantime. If you find that you need more bodies in the safety arena, toss my name in the field.
I would also be willing to help in Grid, if that's where I was needed.
Basically, I can assist in most any capacity, aside from cone shagging during the event due to physical impairment.

I think you know me well enough to know what area(s) I could be most useful, and I'll do whatever is needed of me.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:48 pm
by JimR
The Huff wrote:If someone with divisional experience wants to be chief of grid, I will be happy to be a grid worker. I'll do either, just let me know.
Justin, I know you'd be good at Chief of Grid. If you're up for it, I'll put you down (actually, you're already up there). 8)

It will be pretty fast-paced, but we'll have several people in each heat working grid and wrangling cars. Yours will be an oversee, organize, delegate sort of role.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:53 pm
by JimR
Rogue_Wulff wrote:I think you know me well enough to know what area(s) I could be most useful, and I'll do whatever is needed of me.
Yep, and I don't think we'll have a problem with that!

I appreciate it, Paul.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:54 pm
by JimR
Ironhead wrote:Jim, you have a PM.
I sent you a PM back.

I got the forum "debug error message." I think that means it went through, and that you'll probably have two copies in your inbox.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:06 pm
by Ironhead
Yup, got it and replied.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:39 am
by Ironhead

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:25 pm
by The Huff
That's good information. Thanks Korry.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:35 pm
by Bullitt2954
Jim, Jeanie and I live in Jane, and would like to help where we can with this. I can't work Friday (but Jeanie can), but we're both free Saturday and Sunday.

I don't know if Jeanie plans on Driving, but that's what I intend.

We've talked-about obtaining Safety Steward creds, but are not sure how to go-about it.

For now, we'd even be willing to do the "gopher" type-thing. My cell is 479-640-5108, Jeanie's is 479-640-2999.