SSS renewals

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SSS renewals

Post by flogger » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:59 am

Copied from a post I just made to the OMR Facebook page. I don't seem to have rights to post to the "The Head Office" subforum, so this seemed like the best place for it.

I know a couple years ago we had a push to train and license more Solo Safety Stewards. As a result it's likely there a few other people, like me, who are about to renew their SCCA memberships and need to fill out their one year SSS renewal form found here:. ... ppl%20.pdf The label on the SCCA site to find this pdf is poorly worded and therefore awkward to find, so I wanted to link directly to it for you guys. In order to get it to print correctly I had to dl it and manually set my paper orientation, but maybe that's just my machine. As the new OMR Solo Director I want to make sure we don't fall behind on Safety Stewards again, as that can make it awkward to run an event, and tough on those that are licensed for it. Oh, and as an SSS instructor, Justin's done a great job on getting us up to speed on this issue, I just don't want to fall behind again. Thanks and I hope this helps.

Scott Woosley

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