Minutes of the Ozark Mountain Region SCCA BOD meeting of March 1, 2011. Members present: Jim Rowland, Sam Henry, Jeff Moore, Matt Longpine, Sara Huffman, Bud Weeks, and RE Curtis Wood. Call to order: Jim. Motion to suspend the reading of the minutes from the last BOD meeting by Jeff, second by Matt. Passed. Treasurers report: Jeff. Motion to accept Treasurer's report by Matt, second by Jim. Passed. Discussion of the upcoming Midiv Convention in Springfield. There will be seminars and group meetings. Sam will do a workshop on chassis dynos. Motion for OMR to give out 3 passes to OMR autocross or rallycross events at the convention by Matt, second by Jim. Passed. Discussion of the solo meeting held recently in Joplin. It included an overview of solo and rallycross, a discussion of OMR's timing system, the possibility of cooperating with NEOKLA in rallycross events, what is working well and areas of improvement, and the idea of starting a street tire class in solo. Discussion of OMR starting a street tire class, which would not include the ST classes. There was much sifting of the pros and cons. Motion to end discussion on street tire class and take no action by Curtis, second by Jeff. Passed. Discussion of the need for mementos for solo and rallycross entrants, especially novices, to take home. Motion to get stickers made that will serve as mementos for events, to also include region's website address, by Curtis, second by Matt. Passed. Discussion of solo tech procedures. It was determined that the tech card is not needed. Discussion of workability of annual tech. Motion to tech helmets annually by Curtis, second by Matt. Passed. Discussion of the need for more safety equipment. Discussion of what to do about lunches at Crowder. Discussion of the need for redundancy in OMR's timing system. Motion to purchase another Farmtech timing system and a electronic display board with 7 in. high numbers by Matt, second by Curtis. Passed. Discussion of needs for the Midiv to be held at Crowder May 14-15. Worker chiefs are needed. Korry Berger will do the course, Jim Rowland will be event chair, and Stan Bell will be chief of workers. Safety chief will be either Scott Creech or Bud Weeks. Other chief positions are yet to be filled. Giveaways are needed for the Midiv. Discussion of the Evo school to be held at Crowder on April 2-3. Entries so far are 3 for the Phase 1 and 6 for the Challenge. Discussion of contingency plans if entries come up short. Discussion of the need to contact SCCA national office so that e-mails sent out within a certain distance of OMR, based on ZIP codes, will mention OMR's events. Motion to adjourn by Curtis, second by Jim. Passed. Submitted by Bud Weeks, OMR Secretary.