Minutes of the Ozark Mountain Region SCCA Board of Directors from Oct. 13, 2015. Members present: RE Tim Datema, Matt Longpine, Scott Woosley, Justin Andrews, and Bud Weeks, with 8 other OMR members and guests. Call to order: Tim. Secretary's report: Motion to waive the reading of the minutes by Matt, second by Tim. Passed. Treasurer's report: There is one person who paid for Street Survival last year but who did not attend and who wants a refund. There is money owed by Four-State Vette club for porta-potties yet to be paid. Motion to approve the report by Tim, second by Scott. Passed. Solo report: Solo season wrap-up. The timing equipment worked well and events have been running smoothly. We still must buy an additional laptop out of current balance, and it must have a serial port. Word of our events running well has been getting out leading to more people attending in 2015 than have attended any other year this decade. Scott gave out information regarding attendance over the past 15 years and our attendance this year averaged 66 with a one-event record set at 101 for the March event. Scott gave credit for this to a good core group of people, a good lot, well-organized events, and starting and ending on time. He also pointed out that our profit is near zero and asked if we need to bump the entry fee. Next year's schedule will be dictated partly by what the club racing schedule is and when we might be able to host another Midiv event. A tentative roadrace schedule will come out in December although it will not be set until March. Tim will contact Al Hermans re: hosting a Midiv on June 11-12. Scott will put together a tentative OMR Solo schedule for 2016. Several ideas were discussed for next season: should we do a test 'n tune, and/or a novice school, and/or another Evolution Solo School? If we do an Evo School should we do a Phase 1 only or with a Phase 2 or a Challenge? Tim will ask Stan Bell to check with Evo. There was further discussion of the timing box and its reliability. Glen Moore, through his entity of Red Zombie Racing, has been giving out extra trophies this year at no cost to OMR. Scott proposed giving some kind of acknowlegement to Glen for his generousity. Motion to give Glen a plaque at a cost of $50 by Scott, second by Bud. Passed. Other needs: Tim suggested that getting a leaf blower would be much superior to brooms to remove gravel or water from the course. A high-quality back-pack style blower with a four-cycle motor would be best. Also, new locks are needed for the trailer as well as a 2 in. drawbar to keep with the trailer. Curtis Wood will donate a 2 in. drawbar. More oil-dry is needed as well. There was discussion of new graphics for the trailer. There was discussion of needing new helmets although it was not clear exactly when we would need them. Gregg McNabb can probably provide them at a good price whenever we decide. The tires on the trailer will need to be evaluated and they will probably need to be replaced since they are over five years old. That issue will be addressed next meeting. Motion for Tim to purchase a high-quality leaf blower, more oil-dry, and new programmable locks for the trailer with a spending limit of $500 by Tim, second by Bud. Passed. Rallycross report: Last event of year will be on Oct. 25 at White Oak, OK, in concert with NEOKLA. There could be one more event this year if enough people are interested. The location would be at Lebanon, MO. Rally report: no plans have been made yet for the annual Traveling Tombstone Rally. There is considerable effort that goes into putting on a rally. Curtis Wood suggested that the Greater Ozarks British Motor Club might be interested in doing one. Curtis would consider hosting the party. The date could potentially be Nov. 7. Motion to adjourn by Tim, second by Scott. Passed. Submitted by Bud Weeks, Ozark Mountain Region Secretary Oct. 16, 2015